Project Hope

Congratulations to Project Hope 2023 raffle winner:
Hope Crawford, Victim Advocate for Columbia County Sheriff Office

A+ BioRecovery are cleaning professionals with a compassionate approach to prioritize not only physical cleanup and restoring homes, but also provide support and understanding to those handling the traumatic events. We would like to extend an opportunity and program to local Victim Advocates of North Central Florida to extend resources to their communities through PROJECT HOPE.

Project Hope is an annual raffle through agency advocates across North Central Florida. This year we will offer a registry to enroll in the raffle for $300 Gift Card baskets raffled on Victim Rights Week. There will be two baskets raffled this year. Entry includes the following:

  • Required to be an advocate of Law Enforcement Agency in North Central Florida
  • Required to provide a summary of use for winning basket and HOW WOULD THIS BENEFIT FAMILIES YOU SERVE (one paragraph minimum)

***You may register multiple times, each entry counts as entry into the drawing***

Enter for Project Hope

Raffle will take place during National Crime Victims Rights Week on Friday, April 26th, 2024 and both winners will be announced and contacted directly

Fill out my online form.